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12 Free Ways to Support your Creative/Artist/Small Business Friends

I'm pretty sure that every single one of us has a friend(s) who are creative, artists, or small business owners, so this post is helpful for all of us. Being an artist can be hard, there are many times where you feel like what you're doing goes unnoticed and the temptation to quit is strong. Which is why it is so important to have friends in your corner that continue to root you on and encourage you.

The #1 obvious way to give your support is by buying their product, but sometimes that is not always do-able so below, I will list some other FREE ways to support your friends.

  • Show up to their events

There's not much worse than paying money to be part of a show and not having anyone buy from your booth, or even show up. Support your friends by packing out whatever space their renting out. You don't even have to buy anything. We appreciate you going out of your way to make time to come and see us.

  • Play their music

Add their songs to your playlist. Subscribe to their YouTube channel. Like every single video they've posted on their channel. Follow them on Spotify. Wherever they are putting out music, go and support them on that platform. Let them know that you listened to it, and what you liked about it.

  • Hype them up on social media; like and comment on their posts

Social media isn't everything, but it can be a huge source of business for your friends. Like their posts, comment something encouraging. It doesn't matter if you already commented on their last post, keep hyping them up.

  • Share or repost their posts

If you want to take it a step further, you can share what they posted to your followers. This could help them to get more likes and follows, which could lead to more business.

  • Hype them up in real life; tell all your friends about them

Don't let online be the only place you promote them, tell real life people about what an amazing job they're doing.

  • Read their posts

It takes a lot of time to brainstorm ideas and write them out, so whenever a friend posts something, take the time to read it. If no one reads what they publish, they feel like what they're doing doesn't matter.

  • Wear their merch

Wear the t-shirt. Take pictures in the t-shirt.

  • Collaborate with them

If you also happen to be creative, and you have a project idea, ask them if they would want to collaborate on something. This could be fun for the both of you and could create more exposure for yourselves.

  • Frequently tell them about how proud you are of them

It's very easy to get discouraged and you'd be amazed at how far your words go. I'm so grateful for all of my friends who have taken the time to send me a simple text or even encourage me in person. It helps us to keep doing what we do best.

  • Ask them about what inspires them or what they've been working on

If you wanna see passion in these types of friends, ask them what their next project is.

  • Check in on them!!!

This one is a necessity for ALL friends, so it should go without saying, but I'll leave it here as a reminder.

Bottom line, there are so many ways that you can support your friends, without even spending money.

Thanks for reading,



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