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Can I Believe in Science and God?

Nowadays, it seems as though there is this battle happening between the world of science and Christianity. Typically, people who have science backgrounds are “steeped in reason.” They don’t believe in fairytales, miracles, or God; the only things that exist are those that you can see. In all of the stereotypical movies, scientists have this “high and mighty” attitude because they base their lives off of fact.

These same types of movies tend to paint Christians as people who reject reason and don’t care too much about the latest scientific findings. In the most negative depictions, Christians are viewed as ignorant and oblivious.

(While there are some people from both parties that may fit that description, it is definitely not characteristic of every single person with those identities).

Because of these ideas, we are led to believe that Christianity and science are in opposition of each other. And if that’s the case, then can someone who claims to be a Christian also devote their life to studying science?

Yes, they absolutely can. How do I know, because I am one of those Christians, and many of those famous fathers (and mothers) of science you have learned about are too. Michael Faraday, Gregor Mendel, Isaac Newton, George Washington Carver, Florence Nightingale, Lord Kelvin, the list goes on.

College is infamous for being the time period where young adults decide who they are. They are able to make their own decisions, choose what they believe, and even rebuild their entire personality. There are tons of opportunities to try new things and incorporate them into their own lifestyle. While change is not bad, these same sets of circumstances are also the ones that cause Christians to walk away from their faith. Whether because of doubts, church hurt, distance, or shame, many young adults find themselves not wanting to believe in God.

And while this internal struggle is happening, some students have the added pressure of being a science major. I can’t say this scenario will play out the same way for every student, so I will just speak from personal experience.

I am a Biology major––let me specify, I am a Biology major with a concentration in Ecology and Evolutionary studies. Just let that one sink in.

To go even further, my minors are Psychology and Neuroscience. So it’s safe to say that on a daily basis, I am consumed in a world of scientific thought.

When I first found out it was required for me to take evolution, I was a little bit nervous. I was scared that everyone would bash my faith and make me doubt everything I had ever known. But my experience was far from that. Instead of doubting my faith in God, my belief in him grew. It was made apparent that my professor did have some indifferences toward Christianity, but she never tried to make people feel bad about their faith. She simply taught us what was known. It’s funny, because she has actually become one of my favorite professors.

During that semester, I found myself digging even deeper into reading my Bible, researching my faith for myself, and relying on God’s strength. Some of my ideologies were tested, and my way of thinking was expanded. I had to make sure my connection to God was strong, and ask him for the endurance to keep going. At times I felt uncomfortable, but those are the perfect conditions for growth. If your faith is never challenged, how will you ever know that it’s real?

God and science are not polar opposites. They do not negate the existence of the other. The more I learn about the world and science, I become aware of how complex all of creation is. Everything is so precise, so complicated, so detailed; how could there not be a God?

If you’re reading this and you happen to be doubting God or your faith, no worries. God is not intimidated by our doubts or criticisms. Keep researching for yourself. Pray that truth would be revealed to you.

Find people to bounce ideas off of, contact your mentors. If you ever even want to talk to me, feel free!



(For anyone who cares: I have tried to find as many resources that I can that incorporate both my belief in God, and my interest in scientific studies. I’ll list a few of them below).


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